FHKH is Finally HERE

SupportHERs stand up (if you know you know)! Here we are united and getting ready to launch FindHER KeepHER. It’s been a long time coming and Team FHKH is beyond grateful and excited for our upcoming launch! Our journey to launch has been nearly 5 years in the making. So that the world is clear on who we are and what we stand for, let us walk you through the path to get here.

Back in May 2018, our Founder Lillie Norfleet, received a vision from God to create a one stop shop for Women. In the vision, the first product was Women’s Shoes. At that time, the initial company name was In HER Shoes. Lillie and her husband Brandon set out to figure out how to launch a footwear
line. They completed a footwear course through Otabo and found a manufacturer in China to complete the initial prototype. Additionally, the founders started taking business courses through the local Women’s Business Center in Charlotte, NC and SCORE. After some soul searching and self-realization, the Norfleets realized that the timing was not aligned to the calling. They made the difficult decision to dissolve In HER Shoes.

Adulting is a full contact sport! Fast forward to April 2019, Lillie received an emergency call from her mother Betty’s employer that she needed immediate medical attention. Lillie drove for nearly three hours to accompany her mom to the hospital, stayed with her mom in the ICU for nearly a month. During that time by her mom’s side, Lillie had deep conversations with her mom about the importance of self-care, family, and living more purposefully. Brandon and Lillie knew in their hearts and souls that moving Mom into their home was the right call. They set out on their caregiving journey.

The first year of caregiving was extremely challenging, but also exceptionally rewarding. The Norfleets and Momma Betty (as Brandon so affectionately calls her) got settled in and made a pact to be a team on this new journey. During that time, Lillie got the itch to return to her dream of launching a Women’s Lifestyle and Apparel Brand. Accordingly, in late 2019, Lillie prayed for the right name in this new season, enter FindHER KeepHER! The company name means to find yourself, and to not continue to lose yourself or your way in the busyness of life. We hope the name FindHER KeepHER will remind Women that they matter, their dreams matter, and they deserve anything their heart desires.

In early 2020, the Norfleets set out to get back to work on perfecting the shoe prototypes for nearly a year, but could not get to a fit of their liking. They made the decision to get a Footwear Designer who would help with getting the right look, the right branding, and the right manufacturer. It took the Norfleets 2+ years with the Footwear Designer, but the stars are aligning and Team FHKH will be launching our Unbound Collection very soon!

This journey has taught the Founders the power of patience, vision, timing, resilience, and tenacity! It’s only up from here for Team FHKH and the village aka “The #SupportHERs.” We look forward to seeing our vision through, building our community, and to continued growth/learning on the journey!